Home\Blog\January 2023\Join NCVRMA In 2024

Join NCVRMA In 2024

If you're reading this, you're a leader in one of the State's most important economic drivers--North Carolina's visitor economy is by any measure a top contributor to employment and commerce across our State.  Being a leader, of course, comes with responsibility--the responsibility to engage, educate, and represent our industry to other professionals across our State's commercial ecosystem.  This year, in 2024, join the NCVRMA member community and make a commitment to stay in touch with our elected officials, town and county staff, and your local stakeholders.  Yes, it takes time, and yes, time is precious.  That's the point--time spent with policy makers in advance of a tough issue is seldom wasted, especially when policy is built by those potentially outside our industry.  In short, let's keep showing up as a team--in 2023, don't wait for someone else to do it.  If you're reading this, that someone else is you.


Published on Tuesday, January 31, 2023

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